HOMETOWN:  Beverly, MA

MY TEACHING STYLE IN 3 WORDS:  Innovative, Empowering, Mindful

CAN’T MAKE A PLAYLIST WITHOUT:  Remixes and mashups!  It’s rare you’ll hear the original versions of songs in my class — I’m always looking for the newest remixes.  Love throwback mashups, and an old school hip-hop jam (or 4) will always find its way into my playlist.  A few of my all-time fav artists… Coldplay, Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson.  Music wouldn’t be the same without them!

STRENGTH, SWEAT, OR SCULPT?:  Am I allowed to choose “ALL OF THE ABOVE”?  I mean, we can’t have one without the other!

FIT RITUAL IS… :  My favorite place.  My second home.  A place where I can challenge myself and others.  A community of amazing people who inspire and motivate me every day!